• Affinità Elettive

    Fabien Adele, Grgur Akrap, Patricia Ayres, Giovanni Leonardo Bassan, Gabriel Mills and Elinor Stanley

    in collaboration with Giuliano Catalli

  • Samuele Visentin is proud to present Affinità Elettive, an online group-show comprising 6 contemporary artists: Fabien Adele, Grgur Akrap, Patricia Ayres, Giovanni Leonardo Bassan, Gabriel Mills and Elinor Stanley. The show will go live on November 6th, 2020 and will run until November 20th, 2020.


    The group show Affinità Elettive (or Chemical Affinities) takes its title from the phenomenon whereby certain atoms or molecules have the tendency to aggregate or bond with certain atoms or molecules to the exclusion of others. 


    In the conception of this group show, I thought of these artists as atoms that attract each other based on their core purpose and interest: to materialise aspects of the contemporary human experience onto tangible works of art in a way that turns the personal into a collective language, however different in style and medium.

  • Patricia Ayres

    (b. New York)